Poetry is no longer just for waxing philosophical about singing caged birds or roads less traveled. Now it's also a way to bring life to the inner mind of the undead, memorialize the masses who fell to ravenous hordes and to warn the living to take a road less traveled by flesh eating zombies (because that could make all the difference). The zombie poetry bug has hit and the infection is spreading.
And just how much notice is zombie poetry getting? Enough to get a write-up in The New York Times with a look at several recent anthologies including Aim For The Head, Vicious Verses and Reanimated Rhymes, and Zombie Haiku.
On Friday, the NYT wrote - "Rotting flesh, a disintegrating personality, an insatiable craving for brains — this is the zombie experience, although the more daring zombie poets allow for complex emotional states like alienation and loss."
The latest collection is Write Bloody Publishing's Aim For The Head: An Anthology of Zombie Poetry, released in October 2011. From "Fifteen Ways To Stay Alive" to "Gifts For The Dead At Christmas" and "Citizenship Test For The UUSA (United Undead States of America)", the anthology features ghoulish poems from over fifty authors.
A cross-section of some of the best contemporary poets from the stage and the page rise up and shamble their way through an anthology of post-apocalyptic zombie poetry. Funny, creepy, shocking, and even poignant, this collection challenges award winning authors like Scott Woods, Laura Yes Yes, and Khary Jackson to shake the dust off of old conventions, pull the triggers on their imaginations, and…Aim For The Head.
Okay, I don't claim to be a poet and never will but, since it's for the zombie armageddon, I'll give it a shot -
New flesh is red, zombies are blue,
All the undead just want to eat you.
Get your zombie poetry fix from the professionals here: