The ZOM-B blog - covering the pop culture invasion of the living dead with info, news and reviews of zombie movies, TV shows, books, comics and games.

Yes, technically they're zombies...

... in Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides.  

Not the unstoppable, brain-starved living dead variety - instead POTC 4 invokes the spell born zombies of voodoo lore.  It's Blackbeard at the helm of a pirate ship crewed by zombies! That's a logline for cinematic awesomeness.  So how much better can it get?  Unfortunately, a lot better.  

POTC doesn't seem to make much of their zombies at all.  They don't get much screen time and the little that they do get seems wasted. Granted, it's not their show as Captain Jack Sparrow takes center stage with Barbossa and Blackbeard but we're talking about frakin' zombie pirates - at least do something, anything, with this!

Don't get me wrong, On Stranger Tides is well worth the price of admission and the cost of a bucket of popcorn.  It definitely delivers the grand adventure on the high seas that it promises. It's just too bad that it doesn't deliver on the promise of zombie pirates.  Maybe next time around.


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