Zombies On The Moon
Zombies on the moon. Never thought I would write those words but thanks to the new Call of Duty: Black Ops Rezurrection, the zombie apocalypse has gone lunar.
COD continues to up the stakes, taking the fight against the undead to new heights - literally.
Developer Treyarch says "This all-Zombies content pack hurls players into orbit with "Moon," the climax to the Zombies saga, as well as the most challenging and thrilling adventure yet. The undead shift in and out of sight, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. Undead astronauts easily shamble toward their next meal, unaffected by the base's fluctuating gravity

* Four re-mastered levels from Call of Duty: World at War: "Nacht der Untöten," "Verrückt," "Shi No Numa," and "Der Riese," where it all began.
The Rezurrection content pack will be available on Xbox Live on August 23rd.