New in stores this week from Dark Horse Comics - Fatima: The Blood Spinners #4 (of 4) by Gilbert Hernandez.
"Love and Rockets co-creator Gilbert Hernandez brings his freakiest tale to date to a conclusion only he could dream up! Trapped in the future, Fatima and her fellow zombie hunters discover a civilization even more ravaged than they could have imagined, as they face giant mutants and the possibility that they are the last remaining humans! Can they save the world, and can love bloom amongst the ruins?"

New in stores now from Dark Horse Comics - Fatima: The Blood Spinners #2 by Gilbert Hernandez
"Love and Rockets’ Gilbert Hernandez continues his scary and sexy romp through the zombie-infested future! With the irresistible drug “spin” turning more and more people into shambling brain-eaters, the beautiful Fatima finds herself one of the last agents standing against them. But with conspiracy theories running rampant, it’s impossible to tell if she’s on the right side or if her own organization is responsible for unleashing the plague!"

New in stores now from Dark Horse Comics - Fatima: The Blood Spinners #1 by Gilbert Hernandez
"Comics luminary Gilbert Hernandez envisions his strangest, most thrilling future yet! A drug called “spin” offers the wildest trip imaginable, followed by its users’ inevitable, rapid deterioration into undead flesh eaters. Despite the side effect, the drug is so popular that the human population is dying out! With no cure to be found, the beautiful, lovesick Fatima may be the only thing standing between the survivors and the apocalypse. Get ready for four issues of zombies, drug lords, and gorgeous women!"