Have some free time tonight in Corpus Christi? Then bike on over to the Drive-In Ride-In Theater for a showing of the original Night of the Living Dead to kick-off Halloween season.
"October! A time for crisp weather, fall colors....and zombies!
Join CC Ride-In Theater as we screen the very film that created the modern zombie: George A. Romero's original Night of the Living Dead.
We are excited to have Fright Night and the CC Zombie Walk's support this month, so we'll be accepting cash donations for CASA of the Coastal Bend.
Use your "braaains":
Parents, this movie received an "intense" rating as far as frightening level. Please use discretion and read parental guide for Night of the Living Dead (spoiler alert... zombies attack!)"
Showtime for NOTLD is 9:30 but there's more fun to be add beforehand so RSVP on Facebook and check out their timeline of events for tonight.
And the best of a ride-in movie theater... you'll have your bike with you in case you need to make a fast getaway of the zombie apocalypse hits.

And another zombie film comes out of Pittsburg... Pittsburg, TX that is... as director Brian T. Jaynes brings the popular college role-playing game
Humans Versus Zombies to life.
Students on summer break are exposed to a deadly virus, a neuroinvasive organism that is spread rapidly through direct human contact. The Infected are enslaved by the invading swarm intelligence and driven by an insatiable appetite to consume human flesh. Returning home, the students spread the infection to their fellow classmates and other unsuspecting townspeople. One by one, more students fall victim to the plague, triggering an epidemic that spawns a horde of ravenous zombies.
The zombie horde grows and spreads quickly. Amidst the chaos, a campus security guard, obsessed with conspiracy theories, leads a group of students to safety as they and a small band of uninfected townspeople set out to find other human survivors in an attempt to discover the source of the "zombie" virus and save the world.
Humans Versus Zombies was written by director Jaynes with Devan Sagliani and stars Madison Burge (Friday Night Lights), Frederic Doss, Melissa Carnell and Chip Joslin.
The film is scheduled to be released on June 1, 2011.