Syfy is featuring a zombie movie marathon all day today featuring Zombie Night, Rise of the Zombies, The Dead 2: India, Zombie Apocalypse, Apocalypse L.A., The Crazies, and Zombieland. And it all wraps up with a new episode of Z Nation at 10pm ET.
See Syfy's schedule for details.
Apple's iTunes store is running two sales right now featuring zombie films.
The Halloween Spine-Tinglers sale includes $9.99 HD versions of 28 Days Later, The Cabin in the Woods, Zombieland, I Am Legend, Evil Dead 2, and the World War Z Unrated Cut.
And the Horror Discoveries sales includes Burying The Ex in HD for $7.99.
Just in time for Halloween, iTunes is a having a horror movie sale that includes a few zombie films. For a limited time, for just $9.99, you can get HD downloads of Zombieland, 28 Days Later, Shaun of the Dead, The Cabin in the Woods, and the unrated 2004 version of Dawn of the Dead.
The HD versions of WARM BODIES and ZOMBIELAND are on sale for $9.99 right now in the iTunes store. Not sure how long this pricing will last so act fast if you're interested.
Zombieland has run the numbers and concludes that these are the most effective target areas to hit when you're aiming to kill a zombie.
... in the new Zombieland - The Series poster.
ThinkGeek's got another zombie-inspired limited edition Saturday-only t-shirt available today!
With a not so subtle nod to Zombieland, "Right after Cardio, just before Beware of Bathrooms, and still no Twinkies", it's... Rule #2: Double Tap's Zombie Apocalypse Sweepstakes is your chance to win five great zombie films on Blu-ray or DVD. We've got ZOMBIELAND (Blu-ray), 28 WEEKS LATER (Blu-ray), RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD (Blu-ray/DVD combo), SHAUN OF THE DEAD (DVD) and THE ZOMBIE DIARIES (DVD) to give away to one lucky fan of the zombie apocalypse.
Entering is easy:
For your first chance to win, just 'like' on Facebook - it's that simple. And if you like us already (thank you very much), you've already got a chance to win.
For your second chance to win, follow on Twitter (@FeedTheZombie) and tweet the following -
Enter to win's 5 film Zombie Apocalypse #Sweepstakes now- - #ZombieSweeps via @FeedTheZombie
We're picking one follower at random on June 10th to win this Zombie Apocalypse prize pack so enter now and spread the word to other survivors so they've got a fighting chance too.
You can check out the official rules on our Contest Info page.
Good luck!